Novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe: Day 5

Yesterday was the day that I got to visit Teotihuacán, the city of the Gods. The city is thought to have been established around 100 BCE. It was a sacred site of worship to the Aztecs. I made the journey to the top of the Pyramid of the Moon and the Pyramid of the Sun.

Upon reaching the top of the pyramid of the Sun, I was first greeted by a small snake. Snakes are a great symbol of healing, and remind us to shed our past. Serpent is also directly connected to Mother Earth(Our Lady of Guadalupe), and represents feminine energy. There was also a pair of Curanderas (traditional Mexican healers) preparing an altar for a ceremony. I was immediately welcomed and joined in helping them create their sacred space. They facilitated a blessing on my heart and I felt an immense amount of energy and love flow through me. It was a very emotional and beautiful experience to be a part of. We did not speak the same language but we recognized each other’s spirit. This is a major lesson I have been learning while here in Mexico.

Yesterday’s experience invites us to consider the energy of balance. Like the Moon & the Sun. Feminine & Masculine. We must strive to keep ourselves in alignment with these opposing forces as they work as one to bring peace within.

“Great spirit of the Moon, La Luna, bless me with your loving light. Help me see through the darkest of hours. Great spirit of the Sun, La Sol, shine down on me your radiant light. Open my heart to the presence of true balance. Keep me centered. I ask for all of this with love. Amen.”

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