Novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe: Day 2

Today we are being asked to ponder the question: “what do I feel that I am deprived of?” Are you feeling like you are not being provided for by the universe? Do you feel an emptiness or lack in certain areas of your life? If so, then what would you like to fill these spaces with instead of lack?

Know that we are always provided for by the Great Spirit. Universal forces are working through Our Lady of Guadalupe to assist in this process. Now is the time of faith, and we must trust in this miraculous process. Opposing forces are now coming together, to work as one to assist you in the transformation of your soul. You are being propelled forward into your destiny. Let go, and allow yourself to be filled up by Our Lady’s light.

With your eyes closed, imagine the beautiful Our Lady of Guadalupe standing behind you, holding a golden cornucopia. See her pouring golden healing light into your crown chakra, at the top of your head. Feel this warm and nurturing light filling all parts of yourself that you feel are deprived of love. Know that the Holy Mother is filling these spaces with pure spiritual energy. Say “Dear Our Lady of Guadalupe, please fill me with the most high vibrational golden light that exists in this universe. Assist me in replacing any limiting or deprecating thoughts with joy, clarity, and peace. I am filled with so much love. I am one with the source. Thank you.”

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